I don't know how it is in the US, but here cafés with well-sourced well-roasted beans, well-trained barristas, well-selected milk, and top-of-line espresso machines and grinders are labors of love. They tend to be subsidized behind the scenes by more traditional businesses like agriculture or construction (you can't price too much above Starbucks), so even though I pay 20x what it costs me to make an Aeropress cup myself, I'm actually getting a discount.

I also always go for the flat white. When I'm unsure of the quality of the coffee in a cafe, I ask the barrista what's the diff between a latte and a flat white. The answer reveals how much of a coffee nerd the barrista is, which is an indicator of how well the owner takes care of everything else that goes into making a cup of coffee.

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Oct 21, 2023Liked by Jordan Blackwell

I spend an atrocious amount of $$ on coffee and will continue with reckless abandon :) if you’re ever in Calgary, we’ll go enjoy the heavenly foam of a well-made cappuccino. 30% discount if you’re 🇺🇸 haha

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Blackwell

Jordon, the piece is so good *chef's kiss*. I love the image you used and title. It flows you nicely and your humour shines through.

I am with you on the premise of this piece. I don't sweat a 5$ coffee and even more expensive activities like massages; which are my thing. The joy I get from the experience is worth way more than the $100 I have to part with.

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Oct 19, 2023Liked by Jordan Blackwell

Loved this Jordan. So so good.

Resonates hard - the exact dilemma I face every time I go to get coffee haha.

Heard recently from Simon Sarris about coffee shops as ways to build social ties - especially for introverts. $5 a lot for coffee but little for connection. He met two roommates, a landlord and his wife all by going to the same coffee shop to work every day.

Celebrate this one man. Awesome stuff.

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Anytime my coffee is $5 I cringe, but then I feel the same way you do here. And whenever I track my spending, it’s always my car that tops my spending list, the coffees never do. I also love how iconic Michael Buble is for a coffee shop. Great piece!

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Dude, this was great!

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Incredibly well written. Kudos to all those who gave you feedback, as well.

I loved the entire essay. This section had a particular grip on my mind:

"My body tensed up slightly and bristled at the thought of parting with $5 for some energy bean juice. I could’ve just stayed at home and piped that fresh Joe goodness down my gullet for a fraction of the cost.

My mind fought me: Is it worth it? Shouldn’t I be saving this for something better?

As the Conductor of Caffeine asked for my ticket, I was forced to shrug it off and order."

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